
Remove Duplicates

Enter values separated by comma, semicolon or line break

Check this box to treat values as case sensitive, so 'A' and 'a' are considered different. If unchecked, 'A' and 'a' are considered the same and only one will be kept.

Total values:0Unique values:0Duplicates to remove:0

What is a duplicate removal tool?

A duplicate removal tool is a utility that helps you identify and remove duplicate entries from a list or dataset.

This tool allows you to input a list of values, such as names, numbers, or any other text, and quickly identify and remove duplicate entries.

This can be useful for cleaning up data, removing redundancies, and ensuring that each value is unique within the provided dataset.

How does case sensitivity affect duplicate removal?

Case sensitivity determines whether the tool considers uppercase and lowercase characters as distinct when identifying duplicates.

When case sensitivity is enabled, 'Hello' and 'hello' would be treated as different values.

Conversely, when case sensitivity is disabled, 'Hello' and 'hello' would be considered duplicates and one of them would be removed, depending on the input order (first occurrence is kept).

What do the statistics tell me?

The statistics provided by the tool give you an overview of the data you've inputted and the results of the duplicate removal process.

  • Total Values: The total number of unique values in the input list.
  • Unique Values: The number of distinct values after removing duplicates.
  • Duplicates to remove: The number of duplicate values that were identified and removed from the list.

What are some common applications of this tool?

This tool can be used in a variety of scenarios, such as:

  • Cleaning up data lists: e.g., removing duplicate email addresses from a mailing list.
  • Ensuring uniqueness: e.g., verifying that each student ID in a database is unique.
  • Data analysis: e.g., identifying and removing duplicate records in a dataset to prevent errors in analysis.
  • Data entry validation: e.g., checking for duplicate entries in a form submission to maintain data integrity.