A Hex converter is a tool that allows you to convert text to and from hexadecimal format.
It translates each character in a string into its corresponding hexadecimal value, and vice versa.
Hexadecimal, or hex, is a base-16 number system commonly used in computing to represent binary data in a more readable form.
Hex, short for hexadecimal, is a base-16 number system used to represent numbers and data.
It uses 16 symbols: 0-9 for values zero through nine, and A-F for values ten through fifteen.
For example, the decimal number 10 is represented as 'A' in hex, and the decimal number 255 is represented as 'FF'.
Hex is widely used in computing and programming to represent binary data in a human-readable format.
To convert text to Hex, each character is translated into its hexadecimal representation based on its ASCII or Unicode value.
For example, the text 'Hello' is converted to Hex as:
'H' = 48, 'e' = 65, 'l' = 6C, 'l' = 6C, 'o' = 6F.
This tool simplifies the process of converting text to hex values, making it easy to encode data for various purposes.
To convert Hex back to text, each pair of hexadecimal digits is translated into its corresponding character.
For instance, the hex values 48 65 6C 6C 6F correspond to the text 'Hello'.
This tool helps you decode hexadecimal values back into readable text in just a few clicks.
A Hex converter is useful for encoding or decoding data into Hex format in various fields, such as:
Hex is used in various fields and applications, such as: